Under thesociologicalstudyto evaluate thestudents 'leisure activities The University of Bandar Abbas.
Abstract: (5080 Views) |
Under thesociologicalstudyto evaluate thestudents 'leisure activities. The University of Bandar Abbas.
The population of the study, all students of Islamic Azad Universityin the academic year 94-93 Abbas that Tdadanan14008 people are studying arebased on the sample of 400 teachersas sample sdetermined andstratified sampling from among students were chosen. Measuring tool, a questionnaire wasmade which was used todetermine the validity of the validity. To analyze thedata, descriptive statistics and Mann - Whitney and Kruskal - Wallistests were used. The results showed thattheage, marital tatusandin come, with nosignificant difference in sports activities but compared scores according to gender andlevel of education, the exercises howed a significant difference between the variables with the watch there is no significant difference between mean scores of the satellite but watch satelliteby gender indicates the rate of female students to watchs a telliteissir. Comparing the average scores of the use of computers and the Internetin terms of educational level reflects the rate of use a mong studentsis agraduate of the Masters. The results suggest that under graduate students use the highest circulationon the beachand shopping centersthan any other grade levels as well. Betweend emographic variablessuch as age, marital status, income, gender and educational level with no significant differenceto the café and coffee shop. The finding sin terms of prayer and participation in religious ceremonies Nshangrakhtlaf statistical significance level of education and the rate of participation in the prayers and rituals are under graduate students.
Keywords: leisure, variables, students, educational level. |
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Type of Study: Social Article |
Special Received: 2016/05/2 | Accepted: 2016/05/2 | Published: 2016/05/2
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