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:: Volume 8, Issue 13 (journal of hormozgan cultural reserch review 2017) ::
پژوهشنامه فرهنگی 2017, 8(13): 76-92 Back to browse issues page
Bandar abbas social security insurance disability status in social confidence trade in this township
Masood Jafari nejad * 1, Mahmod Kharazmi
Abstract:   (4768 Views)

The concept of social trust  develop in the process of social relationships between individuals and community organizations together there , and it is the main and the most important pillars of social capital in the private and public spheres forming the capital . its private aspect applies about the relationship of two particular person with each other and its public aspect appears in trusting group , party or government or formal and non - formal organizations  and social institutions . these organizations or social institutions can create relationships between individuals , and then increase social participation and finally create social trust . this article aims to examine the differences of the mean of respondents Social trust in both groups ,receiving or not receiving a pension from Social Security disability insurance in Hormozgan province. The statistical population consisted of two groups of pensioners of the Social Security Disability Insurance in the province in years of 1391-1393 and on the one hand, non-pensioners of the Social Security Insurance in the province has been set and thirty person are selected randomly from each group as the sample . the research method is survey and data are collected using madsyj standard questionnaire of  the social trust and studying social relations between the two groups is used  independent t-test and their correlation is measured by using ETA test. The findings show that pensioners of the Social Security disability Insurance benefit from social trust more highly than non- pensioners of the Social Security disability Insurance. and the obtained results indicate the severity of the above relation (74/0) between two variables.
Keywords: social trust, Social Security, Social Security Insurance, Social Security Disability Insurance.
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Type of Study: Social Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/07/24 | Accepted: 2017/07/24 | Published: 2017/07/24
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jafari nejad M, kharazmi M. Bandar abbas social security insurance disability status in social confidence trade in this township. پژوهشنامه فرهنگی 2017; 8 (13) :76-92
URL: http://rdch.ir/article-1-165-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 13 (journal of hormozgan cultural reserch review 2017) Back to browse issues page
پژوهشنامه فرهنگی هرمزگان Cultural Journal of Hormozgan
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