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:: Volume 4, Issue 6 And 7 (journal of hormozgan cultural research review 2013) ::
پژوهشنامه فرهنگی 2013, 4(6 And 7): 114-126 Back to browse issues page
A Content- Analysis Approach to Bandare- Abbas and the Persian Gulf by Mohammad- Ali Khane Sadid Alsaltaneh (Kababi)
Abstract:   (4801 Views)

Bandare- Abbas and the Persian Gulf written by Mohammad –Ali  Khane Sadid Alsaltaneh Kababi is one of the significant writings about Hormozgan province. This book which was written at the time of Sadid Al-saltaneh’s administrative missions has been considered as an important book because though Sadid al-saltaneh was aware of the central state’s lack of consideration to this province, he tried to present some valuable information about it. This information which is the result of the writer’s observations and researches is concerned with the different economical, geographical, historical, and cultural aspects of Hormozgan. Having a content- analysis approach, this book focuses on only the economical part of the volume I of the book because the economical data and information presented in the book show Hormozgan’s independence and self-sufficiency at the time of the writer. Hormozgan has different geographies. From one hand, there is sea, on the other, there is mountain, desert, and plain. This feature gives special position to Hormozgan. In addition to sea and sea trading, land and farming are some important factors in business and money earning. As a result, the central state benefits from the taxes. Presenting this information, the writer of this paper tries to state Hormozgan’s economical and strategic position. So, he gives information about Hormozgan to the central state which has been ignorant about this area’s position.

Keywords: State, Farming, Sea Trading, Taxes, Sadid Alsaltaneh
Full-Text [PDF 221 kb]   (1332 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Cultural Articles | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/03/12 | Accepted: 2016/03/12 | Published: 2016/03/12
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A Content- Analysis Approach to Bandare- Abbas and the Persian Gulf by Mohammad- Ali Khane Sadid Alsaltaneh (Kababi). پژوهشنامه فرهنگی 2013; 4 (6 and 7) :114-126
URL: http://rdch.ir/article-1-52-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 6 And 7 (journal of hormozgan cultural research review 2013) Back to browse issues page
پژوهشنامه فرهنگی هرمزگان Cultural Journal of Hormozgan
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