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:: Volume 6, Issue 11 (journal of hormozgan cultural research review 2016) ::
پژوهشنامه فرهنگی 2016, 6(11): 68-85 Back to browse issues page
study the effective factors on the job satisfaction of the journalists of Hormozgan Province
Abstract:   (6590 Views)


Job security is among the issues that have always attracted the attention of researchers on the one hand and the employers and employees on the other hand. Journalists are among the employees who are the center of attention due to their special professional characteristics. The present study intends to investigate the major factors that influence job satisfaction among the journalists in Hormozgan Province, Iran. To do so, survey method was used. The population of study comprised of all journalists in Hormozgan in 2015 and the sample size was calculated through Cochran formula as 121 subjects. The subjects were selected through randomization, and questionnaire was used as the instrument. After verification of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the questionnaire was used to collect the required data. The validity of the instrument was confirmed by content validity, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to assess the reliability; the alpha coefficient for the various structures was more than 7.0, which indicates the utility of the research instrument. A questionnaire, prepared by the researcher, was used to measure the variables of job security. The computer software SPSS 22 was used to analyze the data and Microsoft Excel 2010 software was used to draw diagrams. Results showed that the respondents’ job security was moderate but the journalists’ organizational culture and organizational atmosphere of the journalists are above average and the situation was relatively good. The sense of job security in male journalists has been more than that of female journalists. There was no significant relationship between the variables of age, education, job experience, income, and the journalists’ job security. Also, there was no significant relationship between journalists’ sense of job security in terms of the status of their employment. Yet the results indicated that the more the job satisfaction and the organizational culture, the more their feeling of job satisfaction, also, the more desirable the organizational atmosphere, the more the feeling of job security among journalists. The job satisfaction variable has had the highest effect on the feeling of job security among the independent variables. Through using variance linear combination of independent variables, 5.31% of the variance in job security for journalists can be explained.

Keywords: Job security, journalists, organizational atmosphere, organizational culture, job satisfaction.
Full-Text [PDF 278 kb]   (4617 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Social Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/05/13 | Accepted: 2016/05/13 | Published: 2016/05/13
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study the effective factors on the job satisfaction of the journalists of Hormozgan Province. پژوهشنامه فرهنگی 2016; 6 (11) :68-85
URL: http://rdch.ir/article-1-88-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 11 (journal of hormozgan cultural research review 2016) Back to browse issues page
پژوهشنامه فرهنگی هرمزگان Cultural Journal of Hormozgan
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